Post Solar Installation Tips

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Post Solar Installation Tips

So, you’ve got solar! Installation is complete, the panels are in working order and your home is running off renewable energy. Essentially the job is done, and yes, it’s as simple as that! However, there is always more to be done to ensure you’re getting the most out of your new investment. This doesn’t involve manual labour, or any kind of elbow grease for that matter. All it involves is a few adjustments to your daily schedule, or at least a newfound awareness of how your lifestyle affects your solar panels and vice versa.

We’ve summarised our top tips to get the most out of your solar panels from today, and long into the future.

Set Appliances to Run During the Day

Your solar panels will generate the most electricity during the middle of the day, therefore it’s best to run your appliances in this timeframe. Many appliances like washing machines, dishwashers and dryers have a delayed start function or they can be set to start their cycle at a certain time. This allows you to align their use with peak solar hours and will ensure you’re using clean energy to power them, instead of using electricity from the grid. Also consider your small appliances and electronic devices. If you’re at home throughout the day, charge your phone, tablet or laptop during the day too and unplug them in the evening.

Stagger Your Appliance Usage

Depending on the size of your panels, it may not be efficient to run all of your appliances at once. Stagger their start times throughout the day to ensure the panels can keep up with your electricity consumption. This will prevent having to use power from the grid during a time when your panels should be performing at their best.

Consider Appliance Upgrades

Innovative new appliances are more energy efficient than ever. While it may be an upfront investment to upgrade; the reduced energy usage will save you money down the track. Look for appliances with a five star energy rating (especially heating and cooling systems) to ensure your home is running as efficiently as possible.

Heat / Cool Your House During the Day

Your home heating and cooling systems can be responsible for a large chunk of your power bill, so having the ability to run them for free is life changing! Whilst night time is usually when most Aussies spend time at home, you can prepare your home during the day so it’s at a comfortable temperature when you’re relaxing in the evening. Remember to keep windows shut, close blinds and ensure drafts don’t let the cold or warm air escape.

Monitor Your Panels

Solar panels require very little maintenance and they’ll continue to perform for up to 25 years. If your panels are to live up to their life expectancy; keep an eye on them to ensure there’s no debris or damage. It’s also a good idea to monitor tree growth and vegetation in the area to ensure shading doesn’t affect the panels’ performance.

Consider your appliances, the timing of your energy consumption and the condition of your panels to ensure you’re getting the most out of your investment. A solar power system will save you money on your power bill regardless, but you’ve made the investment, so why not go the extra mile and ensure more money is kept in your pocket to pay for the things that make you happy.

If you’re considering solar installation, get in touch with our team today to find out more.

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